About us
Our co-founder was the first to invent designing jewerly based on personality. Jewerly had to resemble the person wearing them and not just combining precious stones to create an artistic appearance. Thus, the reason why most pieces were custom made for the character of the client. As necklaces are the only jewerly piece that contain the design freedom to create such art demonstrating a persona.
The vision started there, as clients would explain how their personality was and VUROSE would create a necklace integrating a premium gemstone to resemble their personality.
In 2020, our e-commerce store, VUROSE was launched, By connecting a team of creative designers from countries across the world, the 18k rose gold vermeil collection was created by designing and integrating premium gemstones to manufacture unique necklaces based on different personas.
To create a perfectly priced authentic jewelry piece, delivered to your door step in special gift packaging, is what gives VUROSE the upper hand.

For our customers
The production of our 18K rose gold vermeil collection is to introduce meaning into jewerly, to allow our customers show their true nature with a necklace designed with premium gemstones to resemble their persona, to encourage confidence of one`s personality, and to portrait the form in which art lies within when worn on it`s resembler. For making a customer`s day, being part of their journey, and being a motivational push, is what we aim to maintain.